Herbal and Natural ExtractAYR GOLD
     Therapeutic Products

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   What are AYR GOLD Products? AYR GOLD Products are theraputic creams and liquids formulated primarily out of combinations of carefully selected herbs and natural extracts.    Years ago there were no chemical / pharmaceutical companies to create medications for ailments.    AYR DIVERSITIES, INC. is dedicated to reaching back to the times when common everyday ailments were relieved thru natural and safe treatments. Finally AYR DIVERSITIES, INC. is a company dedicated to combining herbs and natural extracts in cream form that can be attained that really work at affordable prices that you can live with.

    In Our formulated cream form bases, they have many uses:

    Arthritis, headaches, Migranes, Bruises, Strains, Sprains, Swollen Joints, Sports injuries, tennis elbow, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, hard knocks and bangs, Minor Burns, sun burns, scrapes and the like..... It is also used for Fibromyalgia and Post Polio, treats and aids in lower back pain improves skin conditions, just about anything for pain.

    Relaxes the muscles and can be used for shaving and aids in healthy skin a great alternative if you suffer from eczema and psoriasis. You can even wash with it!

    For bangs that can develope into bruises apply liberally to that area. You may even notice that the bruise will never appear. If you have an older bruise apply the cream to that area and you notice that bruise and hematoma gradually vanish!

    Our products are very versatile,   For headaches simply apply to the Sinus area, back of the neck, shoulders, and temples.

    For Bruises apply to the area and around the area. For burns apply to the affected area. Results vary from person to person. We have found many reports of fast relief within minutes after the application.

    You will notice that the product has a very slight odor that dissapates rapidly after application.

    It works and works well, and it won't tax your wallet as we all know a trip to the pharmacy can and will. We are the best Barre none!

Try these safe and natural products and see and feel the difference today!


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AYR GOLD products are Manufactured
and Distributed By AYR DIVERSITIES, INC.

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Therapeutic Pain Rub, pain relief cream, Therapeutic Cream, Herbal extract, Natural Extract,Therapeutic Products, all natural products, herbal products, pain relief therapeutic pain relief cream,
Therapeutic Pain Rub, pain relief cream, Therapeutic Cream, Herbal extract, Natural Extract,Therapeutic Products, all natural products, herbal products, pain relief therapeutic pain relief cream,
Therapeutic Pain Rub, pain relief cream, Therapeutic Cream, Herbal extract, Natural Extract,Therapeutic Products, all natural products, herbal products, pain relief therapeutic pain relief cream,
Therapeutic Pain Rub, pain relief cream, Therapeutic Cream, Herbal extract, Natural Extract,Therapeutic Products, all natural products, herbal products, pain relief
therapeutic pain relief cream,
Therapeutic Pain Rub, pain relief cream, Therapeutic Cream, Herbal extract, Natural Extract,Therapeutic Products, all natural products, herbal products, pain relief therapeutic pain relief cream,
Therapeutic Pain Rub, pain relief cream, Therapeutic Cream, Herbal extract, Natural Extract,Therapeutic Products, all natural products, herbal products, pain relief therapeutic pain relief cream,
Therapeutic Pain Rub, pain relief cream, Therapeutic Cream, Herbal extract, Natural Extract,Therapeutic Products, all natural products, herbal products, pain relief therapeutic pain relief cream,
Therapeutic Pain Rub, pain relief cream, Therapeutic Cream, Herbal extract, Natural Extract,Therapeutic Products, all natural products, herbal products, pain relief therapeutic pain relief cream,
Therapeutic Pain Rub, pain relief cream, Therapeutic Cream, Herbal extract, Natural Extract,Therapeutic Products, all natural products, herbal products, pain relief
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